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November 30th: Influencer Day

What does a person need to have to be an influencer on social media? It's not the number of followers or the type or quantity of content they post, but the engagement they generate.

Influencers are content creators and curators who build communities. Their opinions are taken into account (usually on a particular topic) and they are perceived as peers of ordinary people.

Technically, we are not referring to people who are famous outside of the digital world (such as singers or athletes), but to those who emerge from social media and achieve a lot of interaction with their posts.

This popularity also depends on the social network they use. While 76% of social media users follow influencers through Instagram, TikTok is becoming the social network par excellence.

According to Puro Marketing, its algorithm allows people who are not well-known to engage followers with their content and gives them more visibility than other types of networks.

What TikTok has is that it prioritizes content over personalities, so it is essential for brands to work with trendsetters and an authentic channel.

Anyway, Twitch is the favorite of streamers for its monetization system, and the communities generated on this platform are exactly what advertisers are looking for. The key is to speak the same language as our target audience, and for that, we have our interpreters.

Happy Influencer Day!




Reviews are fundamental in digital marketing management

Product, service, and brand reviews on the internet are an opportunity to start a conversation, not just positive or negative comments.

According to NoFakes, the review verification app, 9 out of 10 consumers read between 1 and 6 reviews before making a purchase. It is estimated that 4 trillion reviews are viewed per year, reflecting consumer buying habits both online and in physical stores. The positive evaluations of others are more important than a great promotion or elaborate advertising plan.

Therefore, having access to the opinions of buyers is a benefit for the brand, providing first-hand information and demonstrating transparency and willingness.

As such a valuable resource, and like everything on the internet, it is important to be able to identify the truthfulness of reviews, as it is estimated that between 16% and 40% of reviews are not authentic.

Identifying Fake Reviews

There are many users who write fake reviews for money, malice, fanaticism, or fun. In recent years, pages that jeopardize the online reputation of brands have begun to proliferate, giving rise to a quite professionalized "illegal market" of fake reviews. The objective is to raise the average ratings of brands and products or to harm the competition.

Real reviews can be found in a variety of forms, tones, and lengths, with humor, violence, fairness, and unusualness. A recent study by Nanyang Technological University suggests that people can generally classify reviews as authentic or fake based on linguistic nuances.

In the experiment, which involved 380 participants, it was determined that the specificity of evaluations is associated with truth, while grandiloquence is associated with falsehood.

Another study by the University of York revealed that those who write fake reviews feel "remorse" and try to

Surveys abound on social media: how to take advantage of them

Surveysonsocial media have a good reputation, unlike those conducted during election years or at the end of a customer service call. They should not be underestimated: they are an excellent way to build a community, facilitate debate, and obtainfeedback from our audience.

On Twitter, for example, you can ask a question with four possible answers and set a duration. On LinkedIn as well, although lenghts are longer and votes are visible; you can also add links and paragraphs with context. Surveys on TikTok are added to the content, just like Instagram stories, but they only have two options, while on IG they have increased to four. Surveys on Facebook also become a post themselves, but Meta is considering adding this feature to comments on posts.

WhatsApp and Telegram, which are not only messaging applications but also vital social media platforms for brands, have long incorporatedpolls.

Benefits of using surveys on social media

  1. They allow us to get to know our audience. With the right questions, we can find outwhat people think, which provides valuable information for making business and social decisions.
  2. Theyincrease engagement. With just a click required, it is more likely that the resource will be used, thus increasing the reach and interaction of the post.
  3. They are organic. They help create a community because participation is voluntary and people feel heard.
  4. They facilitate conversation. When debate is interesting, people usually continue consuming related content, and there can be genuine back-and-forth interactions.

How can we take advantage of surveys in our marketing strategy?

It is useful to focus on trending topics and current discussions, as well as to inquire about the interests of the industry or company. Formulating clear questions is crucial.

In some cases, it is recommended to propose debates that are not simplistic, so that people participate through comments. Humor and informal language are key in almost all cases.

Lastly, don't forget to use surveys that require written responses instead of just clicking (such as forms or Instagram questions); it may be more challenging to get people to participate, but each response is more valuable for discoveringkeywords.

What are the sentences and words that are repeated? Are there any novel ideas? Do all people talk about the same topic in the same way? Can patterns be established? What can be used in a new publication?

Taylor Swift, queen of marketing and Google

In 2006,Googledecided that its birthday would be on September 27th, even though the date doesn't mark any specific milestone in the company's history. "The exact date when we celebrate our birthday has moved around over the years, depending on when people feel like having a cake," they explained. Today, they celebrate 25 years, but this article is not about the search giant. It's about Taylor Swift.

Two years ago, the American singer-songwriter began re-recording her earlyalbums as a way to reclaim the work she had done since she was a teenager, which is currently owned by her former producer. To promote the re-release of "1989," her best-selling album, she teamed up with Google through a game that involved a lot oftrafficand appeared in the form of a vault when you googledTaylor Swift.

The vault featured puzzles that could be solved by typing the answer into the search bar and would only open once33 million responses were completed, with a maximum of 89 per person. The demand was so high that on the same day the game started,Google's servers crashed, and by the next day, the vault was already open.

The prize was the reveal of the 5 new songs’ names that would be included in the album, but the collective experience on social media, where people shared answers, viralizedmemes, and vented frustrations (in many countries, the game was not available or didn't work properly) was the most enriching part. You can still play, and it's unknown if there will be a second prize or what the new goal would be.

No one would dare say that Taylor Swift, who could become a billionaire this year, needs a little help withSEO, butthe search for her name tripled in just one hour, according to Google Trends, and the names of her old songs (the ones that don't generate income for the artist) were buried on the fourth pages of the search engine.

Her relationship withSwiftieshas always been veryinteractive, as she constantly sends clues and signals about what's coming through her music videos, tweets, clothing, and the aesthetics behind each album. Furthermore, she managed to seize every critique and controversy, typical of any celebrity, and transform them into anendless amount of content for marketing campaigns, tours, and songs. Her ability to mobilize and maintain anticipation is worth studying.

The 3 things that cannot be missing from a marketing budget for 2023

"The economic uncertainty may tempt companies to cut costs, but adjusting the marketing budget is not a good idea. CEOs and financial executives are prioritizing investment in emerging technologies that allow growth despite economic fluctuations, and agencies must adapt.

According to Jason McNellis, Director of Gartner Marketing Analytics, it is necessary to "quantify the impact of marketing and keep in mind the growth potential of digital investments."

Specifically, there are three points that an agency must present in its budgets so that companies can evaluate the optimization of their resources:

Show data that demonstrates results

The calculations must be precise and easy to understand for investors; value must be given to every dollar invested in advertising and marketing.

Use complex measurements

Evaluate budgets based on multiple metrics, not just ROI, as it cannot represent success in variables such as market share, profitability, or sustainability.

Establish investment triggers

Create a protocol that defines and monitors signals that warn where the money should go to achieve a greater return. These could be a significant loss of voice, a decrease in product perception, or higher costs for newly acquired customers."

The challenges of marketing this year are the economy, big tech, and bubble audiences

There's no doubt that in 2023 we will have to do marketing amid the rising cost of living, facing changes in the strategies of big tech, and assuming greater audience fragmentation.

This is the conclusion of a global survey conducted by Warc of 1,700 marketing specialists on their forecasts for next year. 63% say the recession will have a significant impact, and 32% say it will be somewhat less severe. Only 5% don't believe it will change their strategy at all.

The biggest concern is inflation, which brings with it a major crisis in consumption and could encourage companies to cut their marketing budgets, although it is proven to be more beneficial to maintain it.

And it's not just the economic aspect that's worrying. The rules of the game are changing due to decisions by big tech companies, so 62% of professionals acknowledge that the relationship with Meta and Google could begin to be redefined.

Finally, the era of "bubble up" culture is mentioned, which could be translated as sudden emerging niches. Audience and channel fragmentation was the second biggest source of anxiety in this survey of marketers, who estimate that they will have to invest much more to reach those specific interest communities.

"Uncertainty will dominate in 2023, but marketers who are able to drive transformative change in consequential areas will benefit from emerging opportunities," says Aditya Kishore, Insight Director at Warc.

The impressive effect of the World Cup on Argentine e-commerce

"The purchase intention of each person is conditioned by a multitude of factors that can either discourage or enhance it. As marketers, we cannot overlook the environment in our paid strategies, value propositions, and brand storytelling.

"E-commerce is an emotional phenomenon," says the head of the Argentine Chamber of Electronic Commerce, Alberto Calvo, and this was confirmed during the championship that definitely made us experience a wide range of emotions.

How did the World Cup affect Argentine e-commerce?

The Argentine agency, We Are, conducted a survey with more than 30 clients and their statistics during the World Cup, from which they discovered some very interesting patterns.

After Scaloni's team lost to Arabia, the sessions (that is, the interactions that take place on a website during a given period) decreased by 15% in more than 15 brands.

But when Argentina started winning, the traffic the following day began to increase more and more, reaching 22% on each date.

In fact, during the days between the first game, the defeat, and the second game, paid campaigns suffered along with each fan: there were 26% fewer clicks and 66% fewer conversions. After the victory with Mexico, clicks increased by 77% and conversions by 230%, and from the game against the Netherlands until the final, the cost per click remained 50% lower than the previous weeks.

In addition, the study found a common pattern among brands that were official sponsors of the national team or that carried out specific actions tied to the tournament results: sessions increased up to 165% on key dates of the competition.

"The previous assumption that we wouldn't sell anything during the World Cup because people were thinking about something else was completely wrong, and the numbers proved it," says Alan Soria, co-founder and director of We Are.

According to data provided by the agency, of all the dates that Argentina won, the most influential was the third, in the qualification for the round of 16. There, direct and organic traffic began to grow up to 65%, and purchases doubled. "It's not that the campaigns were more effective, but that users typed in the URL and went straight to buy," emphasizes Soria.

Finally, until the game with Poland (semi-finals), the best-selling products were TVs and audio equipment; from the final onwards, products for the garden, swimming pools, portable speakers, and other goods associated with summer were the most popular."

The key to slogans and claims

The effectiveness of advertising slogans has decreased by 40% in the last 20 years, according to a report by the marketing company Kantar Millward Brown. The constant exposure to advertisements in all aspects of our lives has developed a phenomenon known asconsumer skepticism, a kind of automatic filter to protect themselves from the overload of stimuli.

"As people have become more sophisticated in their understanding of howadvertising works and how brands try to influence their buying decisions, they have adopted a critical attitude toward advertising messages," explains Puromarketing. In fact, the consulting firm Nielsen claims that53% of consumers believe that most slogans are false or misleading.

Claim and Slogan

What do we mean when we talk about a slogan? It's that short and catchy phrase used tosummarize or represent a brand's identity with the aim of creating a lasting and memorable impression in the minds of consumers. For example, Nike's "Just Do It," McDonald's "I'm Lovin' It," and Coca-Cola's "Open Happiness."

Finding a memorable, recognizable, and unique slogan is not easy, and not all companies have one. It usually emerges during the branding or rebranding stage and must be reinforced over time.

However, a more accessible and simple version to implement is theclaim: an adaptation of the slogan for aspecific campaign or product, capable of conveying all its appeal under the brand's values.

The claim can have a morecommercial profile, highlighting the features that differentiate the product from the competition, or it can have anadvertising focus, framed in a specific campaign. These are the types of claims:

  • Category: aims toeducate users by introducing them to a group of products they may not yet understand or know.
  • Differentiation: presents the reasons why one should choose this product or brand over the competition.
  • Context: covers topics relevant to specific countries, channels, seasons, or current events, anchoring its effectiveness to time and place.

For a slogan or claim to be effective, it must be genuine and relevant to the audience.Authenticity is the crucial factor in gaining the trust of consumers, as audiences have access to an abundant amount of information and product reviews.

"The perception that advertising slogans are persuasive tricks rather than genuine messages has led consumers to be hesitant to believe what they see in advertising," Puromarketing summarizes. Brands face the challenge of building a trusting relationship with their customers and demonstrating that their claims and slogans are backed by reality.

The network within the network. The place where you need to be

The Google Display Network (GDN) can be an excellent alternative when there is too much competition in search engines. But what is the GDN?

It is a collection of over 200 million websites, apps, and videos where your Google ads can appear and reaches 90% of internet users worldwide. As a company or organization, you need to have a website or platform with good traffic to join, and then Google makes us part of the network.

When a brand or marketing professional advertises on the GDN, their ads will appear in any of the spaces that make up this network.

The goal of the GDN is the same as the search network: to increase brand visibility. But there are substantial differences.

When we google something, it's because we have something in mind that we want to know, buy, read, or see. This prior interest will get different responses in Google's search engine, depending on how the search is phrased, and there we can advertise our solutions.

The Display Network, on the other hand, consists of displaying ads of interest while the person is browsing and does not depend on a word that the user includes. It is worth clarifying that there are infinite options to customize audience targeting.

When the goal is to create brand awareness more cost-effectively, then using the GDN is appropriate since there is less competition for keyword bids. Although the audience's intent is not as strong, we will achieve a lower cost per click with more impressions, making it more likely to reach users actively looking for what we offer.


This is how brands should use Threads

More than 107 million accounts have already been registered onThreads, Meta's new microblogging application (or as they call it in my town:Facebook's Twitter) that came out just two weeks ago.

According to and Mark Zuckerberg himself,Threads broke the record for the most downloaded non-game app on its launch day with 30 million downloads (second to Mario Kart Tour if we include games, which garnered 38.6 millions).

To comprehend the magnitude, in 48 hours it reached 70 million downloads, a figure that Instagram reached in 615 days — back in 2010 — and TikTok, which came out in 2016, in 844 days.

Instagram CEO Adam Mosseri said they considered everything that was happening with Twitter and "saw an opportunity to build something open and good for the community that already uses Instagram".

However, the dust settled and many users abandoned the application. Perhaps many more would follow if it weren't that (so far)you can't delete your Threads account without deleting your Instagram account.

Similarweb notes that app usage in the United States, where it experienced the most activity, peaked at 21 minutes of engagement the first week, and 6 minutes the next. Meanwhile,Twitter reaches an average of 25 minutes of usage.

How should brands and companies use Threads?

The idea is to take advantage of a positive space, filled with light humor and creativity, in which brands can show themselves more natural and spontaneous.Like Twitter, but without the toxicity, and with the same community that they’ve already built on Instagram.

According to We Are Social, the opportunities not to be missed are:

  • Set a differentvoice from other apps and create specific content for Threads
  • Ride the wave of expectation and collaborate withbrands and influencers while the “honeymoon phase” lasts
  • Experiment with different formats and tones, without fear of error
  • Allow yourself to be guided by public conversation and trends, opening up to conversation with your own and others

Along these lines, Metricool points out thatThreads — like Twitter — is useful for updating in real time and sharing more spontaneous or accessible content.Strengthening the online relationship that brands have with their audience always adds up, and publishing exclusive content for the platform, not recycled, is crucial.

Video will also replace photos in e-commerce

In every corner of the internet, the use of TikTok or Reels-style videos is a trend, and e-commerce is no exception. In Argentina, 9 out of 10 people with internet access make online purchases, making this tool crucial for sales.

The most popular resources are choreographies, life hacks, and collaborations with influencers or celebrities, which provide brands with popularity and data.

"In Argentina, it is estimated that e-commerce penetration over total retail will reach 23% in no more than three years," said Mercado Libre's VP of Commerce Marketing, Pablo García, to IProUp.

In fact, the retail giant implemented a new feature with videos to showcase products in a more detailed way and bring customers as close as possible to reality. For now, it is being tested with a small group of sellers.

"4 out of 10 sales were initiated through a social network," Tiendanube's executive Camila Nasir also assured. As complementary sales channels, social media sales represent 41% of conversions in Argentine Tiendas Nube.

In this landscape, betting on video is a solid marketing strategy, and collaboration with content creators is an alliance that brings a special value due to the bond generated and sustained with their community.

What are blogs — like this one— for?

Blogsmade their appearance on the internet so that ordinary people (meaning, not programmers or computer experts) could express themselves online. How is it possible that they still survive with the existence ofsocial platforms?

Far from dwindling, blogs have become an important part of themarketing strategy for most brands. "They are a powerful key component of any digital marketing strategy,capable of increasing leads by 67% and obtaining up to 97% more links on the web," says Puromarketing.

One of the main characteristics of a blog is that the topics are completelyunder the control of the brand and constitute a unique opportunity to set the company's agenda. Despite algorithms favoring short videos, text allows for producing quality content for readers seeking depth.

Or "searching" would be a better word for it, as the quantity of articles and their length often generate more web traffic, assuming it delivers relevance. According to HubSpot Marketing,companies with a blog receive up to 55% more visits than those without it, because they are the perfect excuse to keep the page constantly updated with valuable and new content.

In this regard,the higher the blog ranks on Google's classification, the more people will click on the page, and more traffic translates to a greater number of potential customers.Furthermore, good positioning on search engines is an excellent way to increase brand awareness andgive the business greater recognition.

Finally, entries provides the possibility to create internal links so that each visitor navigates through our website and discovers everything we have to offer. Therefore, everything we do should be framed within a content strategy andnot in the hollow repetition of trending keywords.

"If what we want is to establish lasting connections andinitiate a continued relationship with the audience, there must be prior analysis of people's needs and the brand tofind communication territories that align with those specific consumers," Puromarketing concludes.

What is benchmarking and what types are there?

In a market as fast-paced as the one we are currently in, your competitors are working to gain an edge and time is of the essence. If you want to advance your organization in every possible way, then conducting a benchmarking study is just what you need.

A benchmarking assessment can be a great alternative if you're looking for ways to speed up your company's performance. Assessments are really useful for improving your processes and comparing them with those organizations that are currently achieving great results.

In this article, we'll explain everything you need to know about benchmarking: its benefits, advantages and disadvantages, and its process. We also provide some examples to help you visualize its stages and operation.

What is benchmarking?

Benchmarking is a business management method that seeks to find the best practices within or outside the company by comparing techniques, processes, and services of other organizations in order to increase their efficiency and competitiveness.

The main idea is to take the most notable practices from other companies and adapt them to your work environment to improve your services. Therefore, it is not necessary for the comparisons to be necessarily with companies in your same industry, as in other sectors you can find the ideal solutions that make your performance and productivity efficient.

Benchmarking can be applied to any process, approach, function, or product in companies, as its process focuses on measures of quality, time, cost, effectiveness, and customer satisfaction.

Characteristics of benchmarking

It has objective purposes.

It analyzes trends.

It is oriented towards best practices.

It has objective purposes.

The benchmarking's main characteristic is its objectivity and is built according to objective rules; that is, there must be a specific reason why organizations are included.

It analyzes trends.

It constantly analyzes trends according to market benchmarks that serve as a guide for continuous process improvement.

It is oriented towards best practices.

Benchmarking, as part of a continuous improvement program that incorporates feedback processes, is characterized by orienting its objectives towards improving practices to identify improvement opportunities.

What is benchmarking used for?

To conduct a comparative evaluation.

To improve the productivity of your company.

To reduce business risk.

To conduct a comparative evaluation

Benchmarking is used to make a comparative evaluation that helps you detect examples of best practices. It is often confused with competitor analysis; however, it is something deeper. And while it is not about copying everything your competitors have or do, benchmarking allows you to implement all the good things they have to improve your own performance.

To improve the productivity of your company

Benchmarking is also used to positively boost the improvement of your work processes and increase the productivity of your company. It helps you identify strengths and weaknesses to find opportunities that allow you to adjust and optimize your procedures.

To reduce business risk

Investing in benchmarking is relevant, as it can respond to incidents within your organization, especially when it comes to reducing business risk, creating efficiency, and protecting your brand.

Objectives of benchmarking

Benchmarking involves constant learning and improvement of your company. This involves acquiring knowledge of the best business practices in your sector to implement them in your organization. This will be achieved through the teamwork that exists between the different areas in your company and the comparison with your direct and indirect competitors.

The objectives of benchmarking are quite specific:

To make your company's production processes efficient through the improvement of current processes. This will make each component more profitable.

To increase the quality of your company both internally and externally. This means that both members of the company and customers must perceive these changes.

To help you become a reference within your market, applying the best practices of your industry and becoming a cutting-edge organization in the sector to which you belong.

Industries and sectors are constantly changing, and to maintain your company as a market leader, you need to have defined objectives. Benchmarking

Why are keywords important for SEO

In digital marketing, keywords serve as a guide for a company's website to be easily found.

When people search for a product on the internet, they type words into the browser's search bar, and the top related results appear. The way the search engine determines which results to position first depends on whether the keywords of those articles match what the user typed and a wide range of other factors. To understand why they are crucial, one must consider the following:

They help your content to be found:

You have to imagine your website like a shop on a busy street. Without clear signs (keywords), people would pass by without knowing what it offers. But with the right ones, striking signs are placed that indicate to the public what's inside. This increases the chances that they will enter and fully discover what the company offers.

They make your content what the audience needs:

It's not just about attracting visitors but attracting the right people. Keywords help customize your content to match what people are searching for. This means that when someone clicks on your site, they are more likely to find exactly what they need.

They contribute to scaling positions on Google:

Google uses keywords to understand what each page is about. If your content contains relevant keywords, it increases the chances of your company appearing in the top results when someone searches for content related to yours.

This selection can also enhance your ability to reach your target audience: if you ensure that your words align with both the content of your page and the user's search intent, it increases the likelihood that visitors who arrive at your site through an organic search will stay on it.

Why invest in cinema theaters advertising

Even with the predominance of streaming platforms, going to thecinema remains one of the most chosen ways to consume feature films, and a significantphigital space from which digital conversations are sparked.

The Barbenheimer phenomenon was the ideal setting for advertising both inside and outside cinemas. The combination of "Barbie" and "Oppenheimer" came at a time when only franchise films manage to gather large audiences, andthe secret of their success lies in their connection with social media: FOMO and memes.

The Fear of Missing Out is a powerful force that drives people to hastily consume something.Promoting the films separately was very effective — a cult director, a promising director, a true story, a familiar doll, minimal CGI effects, great actors and actresses — but when their paths converged on a release date, they became greater than the sum of their parts.

"They compounded one another's success via the Barbenheimer meme, as it organically took over the pop culture consciousness and crossed over into mainstream channels that don't normally include movies in their casual daily discourse," states the specialized cinema magazine BoxOffice. The mystique of such different films premiering on the same day sparked a deluge of memes and organically generated content that further fueled the desire to participate.

Typically, two films arriving on the same weekend from rival studios would lead to cannibalization of ticket sales, but the teams from both productions cleverly rode the wave and mutually benefited.

It's important to understand that lessons can be learned from these phenomena, although in general, predicting and even more so, generating them is very difficult.However, marketing teams must be able to seize market opportunities and be in the right moment, at the right place.

How to leverage cinema theaters for advertising

Thoseshort video format adsthat play before trailers and the movie itself offer a way of advertising with distinct characteristics compared to any other medium, and they are highly advantageous.

Firstly, everyone in that space is there voluntarily, with minimal distractions and completely open to viewing advertisements. The big screen, powerful sound, and immense quality allstrongly capture attention, making it difficult for the message to be lost.

On the other hand, the ad's duration can be tailored to the objectives and available budget, but it isn't overly lengthy. All of this leads to a level of recall and associated positivity that surpasses that of traditional media.

According to Sortlist, these are the advantages and disadvantages of running a marketing campaign in cinema theaters:


  • Allows the brand to be presented to thousands of people monthly
  • Cinema viewers remember the ads they saw before the screening
  • The format allows for creating more advanced and different productions than traditional media
  • The complexes are often located near shopping centers or many stores


  • The cost is usually quite high
  • There's no real control over audience segmentation

Why it's not advisable to cut the marketing budget during times of crisis?

During times of economic uncertainty, it's common for companies to seek to reduce expenses, and one of the most common reactions is to stop investing in advertising and branding. However, this may not be the best decision.

According to research by Analytic Partners, brands that cut their marketing budgets during a recession end up at a long-term disadvantage.

Why? The key is what happens when a brand stops investing and its competitors do not, widening the gap between them.

The study was conducted on companies that faced the 2008 recession and reached the following conclusions:

⬆️ 54% of companies that did not cut (and even increased) their marketing investment saw an improvement in ROI.

✅ Brands that increased their marketing budget saw a 17% increase in sales, while those that did not saw an 18% decline.

With AI, a new 'fake news era' begins

Fake news is a long-standing issue in the media, but the rise of artificial intelligence brings a new twist: fake content in general.

We are talking about images like the one of the Pope in a puffer jacket, or songs with the voice of other artists that never recorded them, that are increasingly difficult to discover if they are real or not.

As deepfake tools refine and become more accessible for the general internet user, organizations like DARPA, Microsoft, and IBM are working in technologies that can identify fake content.

In any case, it is essential to raise awareness and educate people on these strategies so that they are aware of the existence of deepfakes and their manipulative potential.

Why is information literacy important? 

During 2022, half of the world population between 16 and 64 years old use the internet to stay updated with the news, a quantity that in Argentina rose to 63%, according to DataReportal’s annual report.

In our country, 4 out of 20 most visited websites are news portals: Infobae received 163 million visits last year, La Nación 77.9, Clarín 64.4 and Olé 49.6.

Africa Check, Chequeado and Full Fact conducted research —before the pandemic— in which they concluded that some demographic groups are more likely to take opinions as facts:
Older adults and those with lower levels of education generally have difficulty separating factual statements from opinions.
Older adults struggle to identify the sources of articles, although they may remember their content.

Nevertheless, all of us are prone to believe in repeated things that are easy to process and align with our opinions of the world; to share information affected by our emotions, and to forget to check the sources of what we consume.

Without visits, there are no sales

Let's talk about web traffic and how to increase it to improve our commercial campaigns. The number of users who visit a website is what we call traffic, regardless of the reasons why they got there. Each visit can turn into a customer for your products and/or services!

How do they get to our website?

Organically: They arrive at the website after making a search on any of the Internet search engines, like Google, and it shows them the URL on its results page.

Through social media: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and all the other platforms can be a channel that directs users to a website.

Email marketing: Thanks to users providing their emails, we can reach their inboxes with different proposals to explore the website.

Through paid advertising and SEM: Paid campaigns can bring a large amount of traffic to a website and increase the reach of any brand.

Through referrals: It consists of capturing traffic through the appearance of your website on other media, such as blogs.

But then, what do I gain with more traffic?

The more visits a website has, the more visibility and prestige it has, which leads to more benefits because it increases the possibility of converting those visits into leads that can become customers for your brand.

Additionally, the published content reaches many more users, and every new marketing strategy will be more successful than the previous one.
