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What does "remote first" mean?

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    06 April 2022

Literally, remote first means that the organizational first option of a company is for the total elimination of the traditional office workspace. This way, very few or almost no people would be required to regularly go to a centralized office.

This is how @marturua reflects for the Argentine newspaper La Nación: "The remote work forced by the pandemic allowed the corporate world to ask the question that seemed impossible in 2019: What if we continue working remotely indefinitely?" 🏠

Remote work is no longer a new practice exclusive to tech companies, and more and more firms from traditional industries are joining the trend, such as Nissan, Naranja, MercadoLibre, KPMG, and Etermax 🙋‍♀️ Our way of working at Mediática Interactive is also #RemoteFirst.

Although hybrid work still dominates, fully remote teams are becoming the first choice worldwide, and not just as a response to restrictions.

🧑🏻‍💻 Maintaining this remote modality with optional in-person presence provides flexibility, allows different lifestyles to be accommodated, and expands the company's talent market.

It is important to keep in mind that the request for employees to "wear the company shirt" has been replaced by the need for executives to put themselves in their collaborators' shoes 🤝
