Bumeran has published a study where Human Resources specialists from Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, Panama, and Peru visualized how they believe work will be in the next decade.
By a wide margin, the region imagines that work will be different in 10 years: 66% of Argentine specialists say it will improve, 23% say it won't change much, and 11% say it will worsen. The other countries, except Chile, are a bit more optimistic.
Regarding the challenges foreseen, the ones with the greatest adherence were "that workers manage to adapt to the new world of work" and "that they do not perform their tasks in isolation and that teamwork synergy is not lost."
On the other hand, the main advantage for half of those surveyed is the possibility of working from anywhere in the world, followed by an improvement in working conditions. In fact, 60% believe that the workplace will be a "hybrid between the office and another place."
Incorporating new skills and training is key for the entire region, although half believe that work itself will be modified by the automation of many tasks. Furthermore, nearly 30% of specialists predict that many positions will disappear due to technological implementation.
Finally, HR experts agree that teamwork and new forms of leadership will be essential for relating to work.