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Argentina advances in state regulation of IA

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    14 September 2023

In early September, the Agency for Access to Public Information (AAIP) created the "Transparency and Personal Data Protection Program in the Use of Artificial Intelligence," a first step in regulating AI in accordance with international standards.

The goal is to promote processes of analysis, regulation, and the strengthening of state capacities to support the development and use of this technology in both the public and private sectors. The planned actions, according to iProUP, include:

  • Strengthening the government's knowledge in both artificial intelligence and personal data protection.
  • Generate public policies and regulations that allow for its safe, ethical, and transparent development.
  • Creating the Artificial Intelligence Observatory, which will map key actors, track progress, and compile statistics and reports.
  • Establishing a Multidisciplinary Advisory Council aimed at generating consensus and coordination of sectoral policies.
  • Implementing participatory processes to address rights violations and prevent negative impacts of AI use.
  • Formulating Good Practices Guides, providing training, and conducting awareness campaigns.

This advancement comes in an international context marked by significant developments, with bureaucracy often lagging behind technological possibilities. It's worth noting that at the end of March, a letter was published, signed by a large number of experts, requesting a six-month pause in the training of more powerful systems like GPT-4.

The European Union was the first to present a regional law proposal with the aim of "promoting the adoption of reliable and human-centered artificial intelligence, as well as ensuring a high level of protection for health, safety, fundamental rights, democracy, the rule of law, and the environment against its harmful effects," just three months ago.

On the other hand, the U.S. Senate is divided, with the Democratic Party arguing that all regulations related to privacy and data protection in digital environments need to be revised because they no longer guarantee the protection that citizens demand, while the Republicans want to focus solely on regulating AI.

The deployment of ChatGPT took place in November 2022, followed by more than 700 generative artificial intelligence systems. The diversity of application fields is so broad that data can be extracted or used without the knowledge or consent of users. It is essential for the government to be involved and translate this involvement into concrete public policies that do not hinder innovation.